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Thursday, February 20, 2014


Words, like nature, half reveal and half conceal the soul within.
~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson
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I do not agree with people who say you should give 100% to everything you do.  You can't.  Or you can then only do one thing.  I guess maybe that works for some people.  Tennis pros.  Show dog trainers.  Competitive weight lifters.  Teachers.
And maybe it's okay to give 100% in any given moment.  Maybe that is what people mean when they say that.  Give 100% when you're playing tennis.  Give 100% when you're showing that cocker spaniel.  Give 100% on the deadlift.  Give 100% in the classroom.
But you have to have some % left for the rest of your life.  No.  I am not the boss of you.  You need to do what works for you.  I need some % left for the rest of my life.  I give my best when I am teaching.  I give my best when I am creating.  I give my best in the relationships closest to me.  Is it 100%?  I don't think so.
And don't even get me started on giving 110%.  I am no math savant, but I know that isn't possible. 
I actually think that relationships are best when they are balanced with other things.  Just like work.  Or hobbies.  But I guess we learn that from trial and error.
We make meaning from the experiences we have.  Those are the only experiences that hold meaning for us, I would think.
A while ago Leslie was talking with David about someone - I honestly don't remember whom.  Anyway, they were talking about relationships or dating or something.  And they were talking about one individual and his or her take on relationships.
Leslie asked, "How many long-term relationships has [whoever it was - like I said, I forget] been in?"
David's response:  "I think half of one."