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Thursday, February 13, 2014


(photo by complete stranger wandering in the woods)

What I want to call you is actually a hell of a lot more unprintable than your name.
~ Cassandra Clare
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Leslie and I have some pretty interesting conversations.  Conversations about education, life, the arts, etc.  Of course, sometimes they are deeper than other times.  I think that's okay, though.  I think it's good to have conversations not only about deep and important topics, but about diverse topics - including things that aren't particularly deep or important.  I also like that we converse in lots of different ways - with a variety of tones and creative language and innovative approaches.

Like the other night we had a pretty interesting conversation...

Leslie:  You're a weirdo wolfie.
Me:  You're bad at name-calling.
Leslie:  It's what I used to call Andrea.  It made her cry.  I don't know why it doesn't work on you.
Me:  Because I'm not four?
Leslie:  You act like it.
Me:  Shut up!!


It isn't one of the most sophisticated conversations we have ever had.  I'll grant you that.