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Thursday, August 21, 2014


I used to wake up at 4 a.m. and start sneezing.  Sometimes for five hours.  I tried to find out what sort of allergy I had, but finally came to the conclusion that is must be an allergy to conscniousness.
~ James Thurber
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I know that there are a lot of allergies people have.  I know that there are probably a lot of allergies that I have that I don't even know about.  Erik used to be allergic to chickens.  Not the food, but the creatures.  Not sure if he still is or not.  Allergies happen.  It's okay.  Not fun, but they are real.
And then there are people who make dietary choices.  Maybe someone in the world is allergic to meat, but I think most vegetarians choose to be vegetarians.  I don't know.  I have done zero amounts of research on the topic.
That said, others HAVE done research.  For example, I just overheard a woman in the library say, "An allergy to garlic is a real thing.  I looked it up."
So, there you have it.

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